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Building w/ Legos in Linux

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:38 pm
by LoneRanger


Building w/Legos in Linux

Did you know you can build Legos in Linux?

Here's how:

Install the LDraw Lego parts Library

  1. Download the latest from download page.

  2. Extract the archive in the directory of your choice - your home directory is recommended for simplicity (~/ldraw/).

Install an Editor

  1. Grab an Editor. recommends LeoCAD . . . we like LDCad ourselves.

  2. Open LDCad (or LeoCAD) and point it to your LDraw parts libraries that you installed in Step1.

There is much more info at the forums.

See this 👉 "Official Models" forum for some LDraw Lego models already put together and ready to open up in an editor:
